Friday, 26 June 2009

Right! Here's the plan!

We are going to have a book flash mob!

Book Crossing will have a stand in the market. They will supply the books.

We meet in the church yard at 11.45, take a book or two, and head down the to market and give them out!

Book Crossing is about freeing books and finding new owners for them. The really clever bit is that each book is tagged and so you can track the journey of the book on the website!

See you in the morning!

If you need to get in touch with me, give me a bell on 07835 754 310


Thursday, 25 June 2009

Flash Mob this Saturday in Moseley!

Hi Folks!

As part of the Moseley Festival there is going to be a flash mob.

The theme of the flash mob is going to be decided soon, so your suggestions are welcome. Some of the themes suggested so far are:

Zombies - we can zombie our way through the market and scare everyone! :D
Books - bring along a book or two and we can hand them out to peeps
Song - bust into a well known song and raise a few smiles
Dance - we can partner up and start waltzing around the market
Big Hug - let's share some Moseley love! One big hug making it's way around the market and inviting people to join in!

Any other suggestions? Let me know!

Whatever theme we are going with we shall meet at St Mary's Church at 11.45 and proceed to the market from there.

Come along and join in the fun!